
Sunday 25 March 2018

Children's Books-Roger and Chi-Chi

I'm really excited to finally starting to bringing the ideas that I've had swirling around in my head for a very long time to life! I've always known I would be a writer and an author, but I've put my dreams on hold to raise my children and now that they are older, I am finding I have the time to finally do this!

I've got lots of short stories and idea in boxes that I am beginning to wade my way through and bring to life :)

Roger the Brave is based on a short story I wrote when  was about seventeen, and there are about five other short children's stories that I wrote at the same time.

I'd really given up trying to do much with them, and while I can totally draw myself, I lack the fundamentals of depth and proportion to create and recreate the pictures I want. I hope to one day illustrate my own work, but that requires practice study and learning how to use design programs, and I am not ready for that yet.

 But now I can see my stories coming to life through the work of talented illustrators, it makes my soul sing and I know I'm living my  purpose!

I am hoping to have these books ready for publishing within the next three months on Amazon Kindle. I'm not completely happy with the font, but these are just rough mock ups, and will get someone to help me with that. If it takes me longer to publish, that's ok, I'll just keep ploughing away at it, but I know that you should never give up on your dreams :)

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