
Thursday 20 September 2018

Know Your Self to Know Your Blog...

I've wanted to have a blog for the past few years, but really struggled to find my feet as a blogger. I now realise it was because I didn't really know who I was and I wasn't living my authentic life.

I spent a great deal of time watching Oprah as  teenager and D.Phil. and they taught me far more than school ever did. Now I am not saying you don't need  an education, but I am saying their life advice has given me a wisdom that I have always clung too, because what use is an education without common sense and wisdom?

When I first started blogging, I really had no idea what I was doing, and I hadn't even read any blogs except Tavi Gevinson. I was amazed at how cool the idea of blogging was, it was like a dairy, like a  peep into another person's soul and I thought that was very interesting.

My favourite type of blogs are the ones that are more authentic, that look kind of dodgey. I'm not a huge fan of blogs that look too much like a professional website as I think they lose something in the translation.

Something happened to blogs a few years ago and they started getting fancier and fancier and becoming mini websites. While I think it's important to have an aesthetically pleasing and well set out blog, It should for all intensive purposes still feel like a blog and reflect the character of it's author/s.

My first blog was supposed to be a vintage clothing blog, but then it turned into a personal blog and I really had no idea what I was fucking doing. It would be a food blog, talk about Autism blog, op-shop scores blogs, challenge blog, you know like a portrait a week for 52 weeks etc
It was random to sat the least.

Now, after multiple attempts with blogging, changing my blogs name, changing the template constantly etc...I lost any readers or audience I had because I fucked around with it so damn much. If I don't know what I 'm doing- the audience isn't going to trust me.

A few years ago, I actually got very depressed because my blog seemed like a fruitless waste of time, but like  I said, it was just me making white noise into the blogsphere because I  didn't really live what I was doing.

When you are aligned with your life's purpose, you feel it in your soul. This is how I feel about writing and everyone I know tells me I am a good writer and to keep at it. I always did well in English with my creative writing and it was these marks that tipped me over into the advanced English class.

I have known since I was a child that I was born to write. I think that when something is your reason for being on this earth you just know. Writing is like breathing to me and I need to write to function, to be happy, to calm and abate my nerves, to get out my feelings and feel normal. 

It is this belief and this knowledge that I need to channel into myself and my blog. I'm not going to blog about cars or giraffes am I? If I did it would not be authentic. I wouldn't really give a crap and wouldn't have a whole lot to say on the topic would I?

But get me talking about my stories, about books, and about what ignites my soul and hopefully it will translate into something that other people can enjoy and understand.

Always choose the topic that ignites you to blog about because that is where you will flourish, be true to yourself and live your authentic life.

Because I have so many diverse interest, I decided to have several blogs, one for vintage stuff and cheap horror films, one for writing, and one that was more personal and crafty. 

Now I feel much more content knowing that I can express all parts of me, with confidence and the knowledge that I kind of know where I'm going now!

Tuesday 5 June 2018


My poetry book Decade is almost done. I have been compiled all the poems I can finds that I have written over the last while into a book. Of course there are more, but they are buried deep in boxes amongst many, many notebooks and drawings, so I will save those for another book.

I just found my little notebook, which has about eight poems in it and am currently typing these up, then I will be ready to have my book edited.

I love telling stories, and I love writing poetry. My poetry isn't that solid and I do want to learn more poetry skills and learn about form and structure etc one day, but for now, this is just a bout expressing what is in  heart, and purging a lot of the pain I've had to deal with.


Once we lived a golden life,
Hand in hand,
Side by side,
But now You've moved on,
And I have nowhere to hide.

The sunshine came in,
casting light upon all our shadows,
You saw my pain,
And turned away,
You said,
'Nothing matters.'

I lost you so long ago,
But only just realised,
You said you still loved me,
I thought,
I saw it in your eyes,
I should of believed you actions,
And listened when you lied.

You walked a tangled path,
Of thorns and weeds,
They smothered you,
And you could no longer see,

Your eyes they no longer linger,
In love filled gazes,
Nor does your heart beat,
With the craziness,
Of love's unique beat,
And I no longer,
Fall at your feet.

Saturday 2 June 2018

One Year Today

One year today,
I walked away,
Not knowing this is where I'd end up.
I longed and prayed you'd see how you disrupt,
me, how you corrupt,
the happy days of sun,
that your anger it,
allowed no one,
To shine,
but only confined us,
to nothing-

I walked away,
betrayed and used,
hoping you'd see,
longing for you to find remorse,
but of course,
Came nothing.

The year,
it has been long,
So much has changed,
as have I,
but you still seem stuck,
and I forget why,
I ever loved you...

Never Really Loved

I thought that we would be forever,
A love that was stronger than any pain,
But I was wrong,
and if I refrain,
for a moment I can see,
looking back,
it was quite easy,
to see,
that your heart was never really true,
You doubted from the start,
I knew,
I felt it,
You admitted it,
But I loved.

You looked me in the eye,
You said, 'I can do this,'
deep down, I wondered.

Everyone said, Your so lucky to have him,
like I was a burden.

Like a Mother isn't worth loving,
Like a mother isn't good enough on her own,
she prowls the night looking for her next victim...

my intentions were pure,
I just wanted love,
I saw something in you,
that made me feel at home.

I though that you were strong,
And stoic,
You were just cold and frozen,
 And know  know it.

Never will I allow myself to be fooled again,
I'd rather die alone, than let that sort of pain,
enter into my heart...

For really what is love?
I've never had it for real,
so how can I miss it anyway?

Missing what i thought I had?
What exactly am I supposed to feel?

Wednesday 23 May 2018

Soooo excited! Just received another two pages from my illustrator! I can't wait to actually finish one of my books and actually say I am a published author! I love the idea of self publishing, because you have control over your own content. You also can just decide your going to run with a concept and start to put it into motion, you don't have to wait around hoping someone will pick it up or approve it. 

Of course with self publishing, you have to pick up more of the workload and more of the cost, but I feel it is the right option for me right now. I'm not saying I would never try and get something published traditionally, but for mow I am happy to just create and see how I go :)

I feel as though I am just finding my feet as a writer, and I have written in a few different genres, Gothic Fantasy/Science Fiction, Murder Mystery, Children's Books and Poetry. I have sat on my manuscripts and ideas for years, and now I am slowly making my way through my boxes of ideas and stories and I can see them coming to life, it's an amazing feeling to to create something and share it with  the world :)

I love the way the world has opened up in the last ten years, E-books are now a thing, a Kindle Reader is now a thing. It has changed the way we create, publish and purchase written media and if it wasn't for this technologically, so many people would not be able to get their work out there!

Who I am as a writer now, is a reflection of all those years of ideas, and I want to release what I have written. Only then will I feel as though I can move onto the new chapter of my life. Moving back to my hometown, soon to be divorced, it feels like a very cathartic and natural thing to do to go over the past, drag out all the old photo albums, all the old stories, and make sense of it all.

It's my way of processing my life's journey so far, and hopefully others will get some joy out of my stories and poetry or at least give them something think about.

Thursday 10 May 2018

Archie the Brave

Been working on my books this morning. I'm so excited becuase I'm finally starting to get some where with something! It feels like for long, it's been just a dream and an idea in my head.

But now, I have more pages on the way from my illustrator, and I'm getting through my stories,and soon they will be ready to be edited.

It actually feels real and I can't believe it's taken me so long to get to this point! I can't wait to see the finished product and know that I am actually living my dream and purpose in life.

Wednesday 9 May 2018


I gave you too much credit for far too long,
I thought that you were different, that you were the one.
But you never saw the tears I cried, or the hurt in my heart when you lied,
The absence of a compliment meant everything I did was wrong.
I heard it all, everyday, nothing was right, if it wasn’t your way…
Now you wonder why I walk away…

You can’t feel my pain, you don’t feel your own emotions,
I held on when I was drowning, now that’s devotion.
I felt myself losing grip, it was you who sunk my battleship,
Now the stories already written,
I’m broken but I forgive you, for my own sake, my own peace mind,
Nothing much ever came from two people being unkind.

Despite my agony, I tried to understand, but you never saw past your own misery.
I never got a word in, you always wanted to be heard, you changed so much,
I don’t recognise you, it’s absurd.
I think that I held onto the image I once had of you,
The laughter in your eyes, when we first fell in love,
To my sad surprise, your kindness died,
And I was left with your shell.
You plunged me into Hell…

You can’t feel my pain; you don’t feel your own emotions,
I held on when I was drowning, now that’s devotion.
I felt myself losing grip, it was you who sunk my battleship,
Now the stories already written,
I’m broken but I forgive you, for my own sake, my own peace of mind,
Nothing much ever came from two people being unkind.

Yes my heart’s worn and weary, my eyes red and teary,
I wanted  so much for you to be, my prince charming,
But I knew maybe this one, is a battle I wasn’t meant to win,
I hope and pray, you find peace one day,
And in my heart you’ll always live.

Monday 7 May 2018

Let Go

They say you can’t tell a man you love him,
You have to inspire him to step up to love’s call,
But the inspiration’s all run dry,
And there’s no crack in his wall.
And the paint pots are empty,
The colours have faded long ago,
Your crayons are smashed,
Your brush is dry,
Deaf you are to a lover’s cry,
True love’s patience you’ll never know.

Lingering in the shadows, I feel your presence,
Is it love gone bitter, or pride and ego,
That keep you trapped?
The world is a colourful palette,
Waiting to brighten your vacant soul,
Your shades of grey, they are you, faded,
Keep out the colour, as long as you maintain control.

I held a candle burning bright, I protected the flame,
I cared for it, and keep out the wind,
But it was all in vain.
The moment I turned my back,
You blew it out with vigor,
But now, I’m on the outside,
No longer will I linger.

A ghost of who your were, dances somewhere in my mind,
But even he is fading fast,
A memory lost to time,
Slowly the leaves are returning, to the deaded branches of my mind,
Laughter can be hard again, and its sweet sound is so sublime,
I close my eyes and let in the sunshine in, as it kisses my once cold and vapid face,
I learned to let love let me go,
But hope I forever will embrace.

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Me, Myself and I

I love cute illustrations. I've always been fascinated by illustrations since I was a child,and I always thought I'd grow up to be an illustrator. Somewhere along the way though, I discovered my love for the written word, far outweighed my love of art. 

I do however want to study art in some capacity,even if I just borrow a book from the library and or have online drawing lessons, but for now I am content getting my books out and working with illustrators.

You can't do everything,but you can try lol.

I had this drawing down a few years back fro my blog pic, and here's my new one I just got done.

I'm totally loving it and will be updating my blog design down the track, as time, and funds allow.

Saturday 28 April 2018

Children's Stories-Original Manuscripts


When I was 17 I wrote about five or six children's stories. They were pretty simplistic and threw them in the back of the cupboard because I didn't have much faith in them. I will have to rewrite them and add a bit more detail and description to bring them up to scratch. But every story starts with a basic idea.

Now that I've started going through all my art and stories I've boxed up over the years, I've decided to fine tune the stories and have some one illustrate them.

I'm feeling excited about this and am aiming to have at least two children's stories published by the end of the year.

I've always wanted to illustrate my own stories, but this is something I may not worry about until one day in the future, as I know my artwork needs fine tuning, so I'm more than happy to get someone else to do it.

The below drawing is a concept I had for a story about a little girl and cat who is a cookie thief. Once I have  the stories edited and illustrated, I will have to work out how to put them into eBook form, so it's a pretty exciting thing to go from an idea to actually seeing it and feeling it's realness.

There is no better feeling than the satisfaction that comes with creating :)

Friday 27 April 2018

Life is Short

Life is precious. It is a gift.

It has always made me wonder how people can hold such grudges against people they love, or not hug people goodbye.

We take our lives and the people we love for granted and we do it everyday.

I think that stories of revenge or grudges help make for great story plots, like the Grandfather in Heidi. He wouldn't of been the gruff old man who mellowed in the end and learnt a lesson without that anger.

But we as the reader can then learn from his mistake so we don't have to repeat it in real life.

I think sometimes in life we get nervous or anxious about things and we can put all these expectations on it, and we forget that life is short. We say, Oh we'll do it tomorrow or I could never do that...

but why?

why say, 'Oh I could never do that? It's the ones that dare to do it that actually get to do it.

If we are lucky enough tot live into old age, do we really want to look back and say, 'Oh I wish I'd done this or that?

So I say we should stop caring what other people think and live our best life. Because I don't want to look back and say I wish I had of done this or done that.

That's why I try to step up to challenges, even if they scare me. Putting yourself out there is scary, you will get's that simple...but what if, just if people also like you?

And you can't please everyone, so who cares if you don't? Who told you had to?

I'm just gonna keep being me and doing what I do best :)

When people you know pass away, or you hear of young people dying, it really hits home how short life is. It makes you less worried about what people think, it makes you more grateful that you still have time to keep on perusing your dreams...

Life is short. We should choose to dance even if people are looking. Sing even if we are off key. Take the holiday. Tell that person we love them. We never know what beautiful opportunities might present themselves if we only open up to them and allow them to happen.

Wednesday 25 April 2018

Books that make my Soul Sing

When I was little my mum always read me Enid Blyton books, and when I was little nothing sparked my imagination more. The idea that toys could come to life, the characters of the Faraway Tree, characters of Little Golden Books, just made my childhood magical. I've always known I needed to write, nothing feels more right for me.

I read King Lear and the Crucible in year High School and both these plays really stayed with me. I guess I'm fascinated by human nature, and the brutal themes in these books made me wonder what kind of people could do these things?

Especially because the crucible is based on a true story, which make sit even more bizarre. Sometime truth really is stranger than fiction.

I always knew from a young age I wanted to write. I remember seeing books with gold sticker on them and the librarian telling us that that mean the author had won an award. I remember saying to myself in my mind at only seven or so, that one day, I would win one of those! I FELT it in my soul.

Haha we will see, but whatever happens or how many people read my books, I just have a desire to tell stories and I hope that they bring some pleasure to children and adults.

So, here's a list of books that changed the way I thought about writing:

The Faraway Tree

I loved the characters Moon face and the pixie. I loved the old Dame Washer women, and I loved that you never knew what was going to be at the top of the tree when they got up there. I remember just being so enchanted and excited by these books, it was like anything was possible.

Little Golden Books

I always loved the illustration, even now as an adult I will sit down and admire the illustration of these books, mostly the vintage ones. They have a quaintness and an innocence about them.

The Princess and the Goblin

This book was the first gothic work of fiction I ever read. I’m not sure if it would be classified as such, but I remember the way this book made me feel. It was kind of gloomy and oppressive and strange and romantic all at once, and this is the type of story I want to write.

Anne of Green Gables and The Story Girl

Who doesn’t love Anne’s fiery temper and over dramatic musings? Anne Shirly made me want to ne a writer and teacher.

The Story Girl to me was even better than Anne of Gren Gables. It was just sooo romatic and beautiful.

Huckleberry Finn

This is the first adult book I ever read and I was blown away by the beautiful language. I got to go along the Mississippi when I went to America, so it was a magical moment for me.

There’s just such a magic that some old book possess, it’s the descriptive and beautiful words that just hit you in the soul and you can’t quite explain why, but they just speak to you and move you.

King Lear

Now this play is the best play ever! Forget Romeo and Juliet, I love the brutalness of this play. The savageness of it all. It’s dark and brutal and it just is a lot meatier than Romeo and Juliet and much more interesting. Cordelia is a pain, but we need her in there to create relief from the rest of the savage bunch.

Flowers in the Attic

I don't care what anyone says, Virginia Andrews has a name for her trashy books, but I love every minute of them. These were the most adult books I had ever read at fifteen and I was shocked by the content, but it opened my eyes as to how messed up adult relationships can be, and again the whole idea of revenge and what a motivator that can be really inspired my own writing. We fall in love with Cathy as the protagonist of the book, but as the story goes on we see how she becomes bitter and angry with her mother, and the idea that someone can live their life, but underneath this hatred can dwell, it makes for an interesting story.

The Hobbit

I read this book in year nine and I feel in love with it. I knew that one day I would write a book like this. I did feel a little overwhelmed when reading it as there was just sooo much happened in in it. I guess I never really read such a fantastical book before. It definitely inspired me and still does.

To Kill a Mocking Bird

As with the Crucible, this story fascinated me, not only for the beautiful way it is written, and the magic of the story being told through Scout's eyes, but the fact that it is really a story of mass hysteria and human fear. As I 've grown up and seen people react in ways that I don’t understand or comprehend, I've realised a lot of the time it is fear based. Racism is fear based, hate crimes are feared based, and I think it's basic human nature to want to protect ourselves from the unknown. It's a survival mechanism, but obviously, it has been taken to far on many occasions. If only in a moment of fear and hatred, if people could stop and look at who and why they are hating, then there would be a lot less misery in the world.

The Colour Purple

This book really shocked me when we read it at school as it is full of 'colourful language' and the main character has a lesbian relationship with Shug.... It really opened my eyes though to how people can relate to each other and how these two characters developed their relationship, and it wasn’t about being gay or straight, but about how humans have a basic need for love.

The Crucible

This book changed my life, as I have a fascination with psychology and I have always wondered what drives people to do what they do. The story of Abigail Williams and how an entire town became hysterical over witchcraft has always fascinated me since I read it and saw the movie. It is so hard to believe that such a thing could occur. That someone could not just say, this is madness? If anyone stands up to the status quo, everyone else becomes scared and starts to attack that person to keep them inline. You can witness the very same thing happening in this day and age on Facebook. One person disagrees and you have five or six people jump on their case...

Mob mentality. It is whatever is deemed to be right or wrong a the time.


All thought I have never actually read the book, I watched the movie when I was a teenager and it just blew my mind. I just knew I was on the right track writing fantasy, there's just something about fantasy that sets my souls a light. I will have to track down the book and read it.

So now that I have written out this list, I can actually see why I write what I do. My favourite genre is Gothic Fantasy, and I LOVE to explore the motivations behind why characters are the way they are. There must be heart, otherwise you have nothing.

Strawberry Fields Forever-Part 2

I recently did a photo shoot and had family portraits done with the lovely Glen-Lea Photography They were really patient and I had my photos within two weeks as promised and I couldn't be happier with the results :)

I'm so happy with the photos, as they really captured the feel I was going for. I wanted some pictures for my website and an author photo, and I love the vintage/magical feel to these pictures.

I live in rural Australia, and these pictures really capture the beauty of the bush. I hate stuffy photos and will opt for pictures that are themed or in a  nice location every time over a studio shoot with a bland background.

Sunday 15 April 2018

Black and Blue Floral Crown

Black ribbon
Three bunches of flowers
Strong Craft Glue

I always used to buy floral crowns, but these days I tend to make my own, it's so much cheaper and more fun and it take literally only about half an hour if that. I use ribbon instead of headbands, as they don't hurt your head and ribbon is pretty inexpensive. 

Yes you have to worry more about ribbon fraying, but I take very good care of my crowns, so it shouldn't be to much of a problem.

I simply wrap the ribbon around my head and leave a good amount hanging in the back, snip it, then tie it. then lay it flat with the know still in it, and then glue the flowers on. Give it a few hours to dry and all done :)

Mad Hatter Inspired Outfit...

I recently had my birthday and my sister and  dressed up as a punk Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter. I had the party at my friend's house, which was super nice of my friend, as I didn't have to stress too much about cleaning my house before hand or anything like that. Which might sound kinda silly, but when you have three kids, trust me it's not!!

It was the best party I've ever had, with random people turning up that my friend invited, and people dancing all night, there was a great vibe going on. I tend to find that when you have a costume party, not everyone will always dress up, but that's okay. Everyone has different comfort levels.

So this is how we put our costumes together.

My Costume:

Hairpiece-Headband from Kmart. I added fake flowers and drawings.
Petticoat- Hell Bunny
Tattoos- Atomic Cherry
Rabbit-from the Disney Shop from my trip to New York a couple of years ago
Wig- Katy Perry Wig

My sister, Raylene:

 Headpiece-Easter Hat I made for my daughter with stuff from a discount shop
Dress-Chic Star
Coat-Hearts and Roses, bought about six years ago


My 34th Birthday was amazing. I've had my share of birthday disasters, and it's been a hard road for me to find friends over the years. Not because I struggle to make friends, but because I've been quiet isolated due to my circumstances.

Being a stay at home mum can be quite lonely, that's why it's so important to get out and join things like playgroup, but then add on top of that special needs, homeschooling and stress which lead to poor health, it's a recipe for isolation.

I'm not saying that homeschooling or special needs or any of that stuff causes you to be isolated, it simply increases the chances. I cracked under the pressure. I wasn't in a supportive marriage, and it just crumbled. My life crumbled.

So anyway, I have been very lonely for a long time, and it hasn't been great. Now that I have moved back to my hometown and I feel as though I am finally starting to rebuild those connections that are so important for good mental and physical health.


Life flows in seasons, and I had a season of hardship and isolation, but through it all I grew and became stronger. I now know what I want more and what doesn't work.

Anyways, getting back to my birthday year, not so long ago I invited a shit load of people to my birthday party at a Chinese restaurant and literally only three people turned up that weren't related to me and these people were people I wasn't even that close to.

I realised I didn't have a gang, I didn't have a tribe...and I felt so pathetic and stupid and just humiliated.

Another year I was planning a Alice in Wonderland type 'Tea Party' Birthday and just before my birthday my boyfriend dumped me and then my party feel apart, because I felt humiliated and I couldn't go on with it, and half the people coming were his friends.

I don't want to get caught up in expectations, perhaps that's where my fault lies, that I expect too much I have been told. But I don't think it's wrong to expect happiness on your birthday! To expect the people that love you to give a shit.

People treat you how you allow, and you get what you ask for and what you put out. If someone doesn't care and can't be bothered and you always give them everything, then it's time to move along. It really is that simple.

I love to celebrate everything...anything is an excuse to be happy, so why not? Who say's we have to stop celebrating life just becuase we grow up? I'll celebtrate until the day I is short and it's the happy memoriess that make it worth living for.

So my 34th birthday was the best birthday I have ever had...

The day started off with a lovely breakfast my friend cooked for me and my sister, he does this all the time, he holds a thing called 'Breakfast Club' were all get together every holidays and have Brekkie with our group of friends, and anyone else who cares to turn up. It's great. It's kinda like church dinner, when your on your own, it's so important ot stay connected.

Then that night we had a party, and a bunch of backpackers turned up on a mini bus and a bunch of the local boys from Vanuatu also turned up. It was a costume party, but of course not everyone dressed up, but there was heaps of dancing and laughs, and in compassion to every other birthday I've ever had, that was by far the best party and best birthday ever.

It didn't matter that I didn't know half the people, everyone was friendly and seemed to enjoy themselves.

I was alittle overhwlmed to be honest I couldn't believe so many people were there :)

I've been so depressed for the last two months, as I relised  my marriage is over and I'll be getting divorced soon, but the past three weeeks has shocked me out of it. I'm still going to have bad days of course, that's life, but I feel so gratfeul to have such beautiful people in my life and know that I finally have a group of friends that get me and I belong too.

Sunday 25 March 2018

Harmony Day Floral Crowns

It was recently Harmony Day and I made  some orange floral crowns for my daughter and I to wear to play group. I also found some other things to wear it with too.

My dress I bought off E-Bay, which I have an awesome Emerald City craft Outfit post idea for.

 And, a dress my friend gave me, which came from this amazing lady who makes dresses and has a very cool online business, which I will mention in another post when I find the perfect way to style this dress :)

Children's Books-Roger and Chi-Chi

I'm really excited to finally starting to bringing the ideas that I've had swirling around in my head for a very long time to life! I've always known I would be a writer and an author, but I've put my dreams on hold to raise my children and now that they are older, I am finding I have the time to finally do this!

I've got lots of short stories and idea in boxes that I am beginning to wade my way through and bring to life :)

Roger the Brave is based on a short story I wrote when  was about seventeen, and there are about five other short children's stories that I wrote at the same time.

I'd really given up trying to do much with them, and while I can totally draw myself, I lack the fundamentals of depth and proportion to create and recreate the pictures I want. I hope to one day illustrate my own work, but that requires practice study and learning how to use design programs, and I am not ready for that yet.

 But now I can see my stories coming to life through the work of talented illustrators, it makes my soul sing and I know I'm living my  purpose!

I am hoping to have these books ready for publishing within the next three months on Amazon Kindle. I'm not completely happy with the font, but these are just rough mock ups, and will get someone to help me with that. If it takes me longer to publish, that's ok, I'll just keep ploughing away at it, but I know that you should never give up on your dreams :)

Friday 23 March 2018

Fly My Pretties...Fly!


A couple of outfits I've worn lately. I am either in tracksuit pants, and a comfy jumper (This is when I am most comfortable) or I am trying to be a cool rockabilly, hippy chick. I LOVE dressing up, and wearing make-up, but as a can be an effect.

So anyways, I have lots of cool outfit ideas for my blog, and will try and get some up soon, I have just been so busy with life and studying and sorting out my kids stuff and get the picture ;)

This is one of my absolute favourite dresses. It's such a  sweet pattern and it can be styled in so many different ways.

I am obsessed with Wizard of OZ and Alice in Wonderland jewellery.