
Sunday 25 October 2015

My Thoughts on the 'Big A Reveal'

Wow, so Pretty Little Liars totally went there! I'm still undecided as to whether I'm satisfied with the end of session reveal. I can't help but feel that it was sloppy writing to some degree, or was it a divisive story writing method? Will it be explained later on down the track and will it all make sense? With the time leap at the end of season 6A, I doubt it.

Cece was revealed as Charles with a transgender story line-but was this a good/bad idea-and does it actually matter? Was Marlene King trying to say it doesn't matter how your born, everybody has the potential for evil so we can't treat this matter with kid gloves? Was she just trying to fool us all, and that is why A appeared at times both feminine(doll obsession) and masculine? Or was it wen A appeared to be different things, it's because it really wasn't A, but one of her minions?

With all the recent comments about Bruce/Kaitlyn Jenner, was this deliberate bait, just to get a reaction? I don't know, only Marlene King does, but I think it probably was. I do love the idea of the story line though, it's a very modern and clever story device. I just really wish the writers had of spaced it out over a movie length episode, rather than bam, here's a lot of answers that don't make an incredible lot of sense, we've teased you all this time, now have fun working out the rest kind of way.

I think at the end of the day, I don't mind the transgender story, it's actually quite a clever twist, and it gives you much more empty for A than I think we might of had otherwise. Charles was rejected by his father for something he couldn't help, which, makes it all the more tragic, but I just wish it hadn't of been Cece.

I think Cece looks too boring, too bland to be that evil. Look at Mona, she looks dark and mysterious with the brooding looks she gives, you can imagine what evil things she might be plotting next. But maybe that's another point of Marlene King's, you never can really tell what is inside someone's head. I never really suspected Cece being A.  did however think she was Ali's sister because of the comments made a few season's back.

I really wanted the show to take a darker turn. I wanted someone we didn't want to be A to be A. I wanted it to be Toby, or even one of the Liars with a split personality. It would of just have been mind blowingly shocking. And even though, I didn't think it was Cece, I wasn't shocked it was her.

I mean I invested hours of my life into this show! I wanted to be shocked!

A lot of people guessed it was her, and that she was actually Charles, so hat's off to them! I'm just still perplexed and annoyed that so many questions were left unanswered.

I'm not going to go into them here as a list can easily be found on the Internet.
I'm just wondering if these things will ever be made sense of? I've kind of lost interest in the show now because of this! But of course, I will keep watching, I won't be able  to help myself!

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