
Tuesday 27 October 2015

Once I had a Dream

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Once I had a Dream

Once I had a dream, bright and full of vigor,
Colors passed by my eyes, but I could not figure,
What they meant or whence they came,
But I stood tall and felt no shame.

No shame for believing in a dream,
To take a chance,
Though it may seem,
Bigger things were not meant for me,
For am I small you see.

But aren’t we all but merely dust,
Upon the planets floor,
But fight against the mundane we must,
To create and too explore.

For we are all but diamonds, sparkling on a dark sea floor,
We are but stars, burning forever more,
We are what we choose to be, we are our own destiny.
So, dream a bigger dream with me,
You are what you believe.

I just wrote a little poem.It just came to me and it got me thinking about how when we are young we are so full of dreams. Dreams for a better life, dreams for a future career, hobby, house, lover, whatever.

When something happens, it's called life. Life gets in our way. Why haven't I finished my novel yet?Life.But what will ultimately stop us is death. My favourite quote is, 'Life isn't about waiting for the storm to clear,  but learning to dance in the rain.' This is so true and something I've been trying to practice the last couple of years since I found it on a fridge magnet at the Reject Shop.

If you want something bad enough, then you make no excuses. I've had times when I could have worked on my book more, but I chose to watch T.V or go on Facebook etc. Always saying, 'There's always time, I'll do it later, tomorrrow,' etc.

I read a few years back that if you only write when your inspired, then you will never finish your novel. This was mind blowing to me. You're proaably thinking, 'Well duh', but I grew up with the concept that a artist only does things when inspired; it was the cliche I had seen on T.V.

I think writer's block is actually a myth, I've only had it once or twice in my life. I've had periods where I din't feel like wriitng, I wasn't in the mood, but true writer's block i mean, where I literally could not comeup with a thing. If you can't thunk of anyhting to write, it's not an excuse to give up, but rather go out, live your life, gain some new and refreshing pereptives and you will soon find you feel inspired again.

You have to learn to treat writing like any other job and take it seriously if you want to succeed.  I didn't realise the real commitment and hard work that must be out into such inspiration. I got into the habit of writing 1000 words a day at one point and powered through  my novel, but yes, then life happened.

I got divorced, my kids got diagnosed, I became a single mum, I found love again, got married for the 2nd time, I started homeschooling...I hardly worked on my novel.

Things have settled down for the time being, but still my novel begs to be edited and see the light of day. It's time I recommit myself to my first love-writing.

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