
Friday 27 April 2018

Life is Short

Life is precious. It is a gift.

It has always made me wonder how people can hold such grudges against people they love, or not hug people goodbye.

We take our lives and the people we love for granted and we do it everyday.

I think that stories of revenge or grudges help make for great story plots, like the Grandfather in Heidi. He wouldn't of been the gruff old man who mellowed in the end and learnt a lesson without that anger.

But we as the reader can then learn from his mistake so we don't have to repeat it in real life.

I think sometimes in life we get nervous or anxious about things and we can put all these expectations on it, and we forget that life is short. We say, Oh we'll do it tomorrow or I could never do that...

but why?

why say, 'Oh I could never do that? It's the ones that dare to do it that actually get to do it.

If we are lucky enough tot live into old age, do we really want to look back and say, 'Oh I wish I'd done this or that?

So I say we should stop caring what other people think and live our best life. Because I don't want to look back and say I wish I had of done this or done that.

That's why I try to step up to challenges, even if they scare me. Putting yourself out there is scary, you will get's that simple...but what if, just if people also like you?

And you can't please everyone, so who cares if you don't? Who told you had to?

I'm just gonna keep being me and doing what I do best :)

When people you know pass away, or you hear of young people dying, it really hits home how short life is. It makes you less worried about what people think, it makes you more grateful that you still have time to keep on perusing your dreams...

Life is short. We should choose to dance even if people are looking. Sing even if we are off key. Take the holiday. Tell that person we love them. We never know what beautiful opportunities might present themselves if we only open up to them and allow them to happen.

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